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HHC is one of the latest development in the cannabis field. As cannabis sativa products gain popularity, more developments keep coming into play to replace CBD and THC. HHC is among the latest developments you should try. Herein is everything you need to know about HHC, including its legality and effects.

Although it is yet to be established as true, HHC is suggested to fail a drug test, unlike THC. However, they both deliver similar effects. HHC is now infused in various products, including gummies, tinctures, capsules, and topicals. HHC is a chemical compound found in the hemp plant. It is associated with various health benefits. However, neither of the clinical trials on HHC is approved. Before finding out what HHC can do for you, let us learn more about it first.

What is HHC?

If it is your first time encountering the term HHC and you have wondered what it is and its role on your health, here is an outline that will help you get its insight. HHC is the abbreviation of Hexahydrocannabinol. It is derived from hydrogenated THC of the hemp plant. The entire chemical compound of THC is converted by adding hydrogen molecules. The best HHC is derived from the THC of organic hemp plant instead of marijuana, in which its THC levels are overboard.

Is HHC Legal

The legality of HHC is still pending. As other elements of the hemp plant, such as THC and CBD, were addressed by the 2018 Farm Bill, it was not considered. However, we can use general laws on the hemp plant to determine its legality. Although the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the cultivation of hemp and production of hemp-based products, powers were devolved to the state government, as suggested by Abernethy (2019).

State governments in the US determine the legality of hemp-based products, including HHC products. As a result, 15 states restricted the use of hemp-based products for therapeutic and recreational use. Currently, the remaining 35 states have legalized all hemp-based products-meaning HHC is also legal within their territories. However, the legality of HHC is yet to be determined unless a court rules on whether it is legal or not. It is important to note that HHC users are taking it at their own risk.

Besides, the 2018 Farm Bill was strict on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a chemical compound found in the hemp plant, cannabis sativa, and marijuana. Hemp and cannabis sativa plants were legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill because their THC levels are below 0.3 %. However, marijuana has a THC level exceeding 2.5%, which is more intoxicating. Therefore, relying on this claim, only hemp-based HHC is legal, and the THC levels should be below 0.3%; otherwise, it is illegal even in the 35 states.

What does HHC Do to You?

Before using any HHC product, you must understand the potential health benefits and risks. HHC, a new element in the cannabis world, is yet to gain attention from scientists. Therefore, few clinical trials have been conducted on its effectiveness. However, according to Leong Xin-Fang (2018), HHC can enhance vasorelaxation through blockage of APK. The research showed that HHC works best for muscle pain by enhancing their relationship. Besides associating THC’s health benefits with HHC, it can regulate hormone production due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as suggested by Gallily, Yekhtin & Lumir (2018). The research showed that THC is suitable for improving mental health and reducing pain. However, neither HHC nor THC health benefits are approved by the FDA or any other health institution.

So far, HHC seems to provide more health benefits than THC. According to Bloom Alan et al. (1977), beta-HHC showed promising outcomes as painkillers in rats. However, the research cannot be based on since it was done on rats. Other THC and HHC-related health benefits include improving mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and pain, and improving sleep patterns. However, these benefits are yet to be approved. Therefore, users should take HHC gummies for either of the benefits at personal risk.

Besides the health benefits, HHC has potential risks. Since it is derived from THC, it is likely to cause THC-related health risks. Fattore, Liana & Walter (2011) suggested that THC can result in psychoactive side effects when taken in excess. Some suggested effects include getting dizzy, experiencing poor memory, anxiety, and having red eyes. However, according to the 2018 Farm Bill, THC levels in the hemp plant (0.3%) are low enough to result in psychoactive side effects. Taking too much hemp plant THC results in its accumulation in the body, which triggers the psychoactive side effects.

If you are taking HHC gummies for the first time, you should start with low concentrations and take at most three gummies per day as you watch the likely impact. After determining the likely impact, you can adjust the dose gradually as you monitor the possible side effects. If possible, begin with 5mg HHC gummy and seek medication if your body reacts sensitively. It is crucial to seek medical consultation from the nearest health care before using HHC gummies or replacing them with any medication. The quality of the HHC gummies also determines their safety. If the gummies are contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals solvents that might have infiltrated them during manufacturing, they are likely to harm your health.


HHC gummies are a new product linked to various health benefits. However, they are yet to be approved as legal, and neither of the claimed health benefits has been clinically verified. However, some clinical trials have linked HHC to THC side effects, as noted earlier. Therefore, before using HHC gummies for either recreational or therapeutic use, understand the potential health benefits and risks. HHC gummies have different potency levels, from 5 mg to over 200 mg each. Although there is no established quality measure of HHC, always consider tested gummies with COA’s report. This helps you affirm quality and accurate potency levels to avoid taking contaminants and overdosing unknowingly.


Abernethy, A. (2019). Hemp Production & 2018 Farm Bill. US Food And Drug Administration.

Leong, X. F. (2018). The Spice For Hypertension: Protective Role Of Curcuma
        Longa. Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal, 11(4), 1829-1840.

Gallily, R., Yekhtin, Z., & Hanuš, L. O. (2018). The Anti-Inflammatory Properties Of
        Terpenoids From Cannabis. Cannabis And Cannabinoid Research, 3(1), 282-290.

Fattore, L., & Fratta, W. (2011). Beyond THC: The New Generation Of Cannabinoid
        Designer Drugs. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 60.