THC-O Products

If there’s one thing we can say about the hemp industry, it’s this:
There’s always something new around the corner.
As the technology behind cannabis becomes more sophisticated, and our fascination with it grows, we’re seeing more and more hemp-derived products hit the market, ready to get users high while skirting the law.
But get ready: because we’re here to share the strongest, most powerful product on the market thus far: THC-O.
Even more potent than delta-9, it’s garnered a rep for far more than a high; in fact, THC-O can even give users a psychedelic experience.
If you’re looking for the legal high that’s truly out of this world, look no further.
And if you’re looking to learn more about THC-O, keep reading!

What is THC-O?

While the military first researched THC-O in the 1940s, most people in cannabis are only just beginning to hear about it.
THC-O is short for THC-O-acetate, and it’s an analog of THC. And believe it or not, it’s more potent than most cannabis products on the market. When taken in low amounts, however, THC-O can create effects similar to the kind of experience that cannabis users are accustomed to. But when taken in moderate to high amounts, the experience can be quite intense and potentially highly sedative.

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How is THC-O Different from THC?

While delta-9 THC is found naturally occurring in both cannabis and industrial hemp plants, you won’t find THC-O in either one.
This is because rather than an isomer of THC, THC-O is actually derived from hemp products, but it must undergo a process in a laboratory setting under professional supervision.
And as we’ll see below, THC-O has a striking difference from delta-9 THC: its potency.

How Potent is THC-O?

Typically, delta-9 is revered as the king of high-inducing cannabinoids.
But look out, because THC-O is coming for the crown.
While it’s yet to be fully determined, THC-O’s potency has been estimated to be around 3-4 times stronger than that of cannabis.
Because of this significant potency increase, it’s understandable why those seeking as enjoyable an experience as possible choose THC-O.

What Does a High From THC-O Feel Like?

One of the main appeals behind THC-O lie in its potency–in fact, it’s been found
to possess at least 3 times the psychoactive properties as delta-9 THC. And this level of potency is pretty significant, considering that delta-9 is the psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana.
Now, as you might have guessed, THC-O’s immense potency level has the potential to get you quite high–potentially more so than you may be used to.

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Research on THC-O

While much is still to be learned about THC-O, one thing is for sure: this mighty cannabinoid can create a powerful rush of euphoria, which naturally appeals to many users.
However, research is highly limited at this point, so any information surrounding the medical benefits is still primarily anecdotal.

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Is THC-O Safe?

While research on the safety and side effects of THC-O is still highly limited, it is promising that there have not been any reported overdoses from using THC-O.
Like most cannabinoids, THC-O is fairly unstudied and unregulated, so there's some risk involved in using it.

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How Much THC-O Should I Take?

Due to the way in which THC-O interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it tends to have a delayed effect on the mind and body.
This sets THC-O apart from delta-9, which varies based on the way in which it's consumed. With delta-9, for instance, a vape will take about 5 minutes, while a delta-9 gummy might kick in around 30 minutes. But with THC-O, it can take between 20 and 30 minutes before its effects are metabolized, no matter the consumption method you choose.

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Is THC-O Legal?

When it comes to cannabis and related products, laws in the United States are complex, and they can even be murky
And to no one's surprise, THC-O laws aren't too different.
As long as it comes from hemp, THC-O is not an illegal substance in the United States.

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Starting Out With THC-O: Things to Consider

Before you try THC-O, it's important to consider your own tolerance with THC.
This isn't necessarily in order to gauge your dosage–because really, even those who smoke cannabis every day should stick with a low amount.
However, understanding your own tolerance is going to help inform the experience you'll have with THC-O, both in how you'll feel during the high, and afterward.

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Tips for Trying THC-O

If shopping for THC-O is a completely new experience for you, there can be a lot of uncertainty–especially when it comes to looking for a quality product.
Whether you're shopping online or in person, you must first check the company's reputation in the market. Customers can gauge a company's reputation through forums and outside reviews, which you can pull up with a simple search online.
It's also worth checking the ingredients in an THC-O product–of course, you'll need to do this if you have any kind of dietary restrictions or allergies, but it's also worth checking to check for plant-derived terpenes, as well.

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THC-O Products for Sale

Due to their relative newness on the market, THC-O is more novel than delta-8 or even delta-10 and hence harder to find.
Moreover, THC-O products are heavily unregulated, so it's crucial that users shop directly from the source whenever possible and to shop from sellers that practice third-party lab testing and make the lab reports easily accessible.
At JustDelta, we know what it takes to deliver on our customers' needs: good THC-O from a reliable seller.
As we expand our supply, here's what we already have to offer in THC-O:

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Depending on the amount taken, users can expect THC-O acetate to create an intense psychoactive high, or potentially a full-blown psychedelic experience.
Yes, THC-O acetate can get users high. In fact, it’s estimated to be about 3 times more potent than delta-9, so users must approach it with care and caution.
The optimal dosage of THC-O will vary with each individual, but psychedelic effects are typically felt around 5 mg.
Regardless of your experience with THC, it’s strongly advised to start with as low a dose as possible with THC-O, due to its potency. Typically, the lowest amount of THC-O that will still create a psychoactive effect is 0.5 mg.
THC-O stands for tetrahydrocannabinol.
Most likely. As an acetate of THC, THC-O has a high likelihood of breaking down into the metabolite that drug tests look for.
As a product of hemp that contains less than 0.3% delta-9 THC, THC-O is interpreted by vendors as federally legal, albeit with gray areas.
THC-O acetate is still incredibly new and unregulated, so it’s recommended that users only shop online from reputable sellers.
No matter the method of delivery, THC-O typically kicks in around 20 minutes after consumption.
As an analog of THC, THC-O is a mann-made, synthetic substance.

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